VTOL Protective Laminates – Current Events and Activities
May 18, 2015
VTOL conducts additional installations of ASSALT® V3 multilayered laminates on US Navy H-60s
VTOL personnel traveled to Florida as part of a development effort to use the protective laminates on a non-rotorcraft application. Training and testing will occur in the coming months to determine the suitability of the V3 laminates on high(er) altitude/high(er) airspeed aircraft
April 20, 2015
VTOL conducts off-site training in support of ASSALT® V3 laminate use
VTOL personnel traveled to Florida as part of a development effort to use the protective laminates on a non-rotorcraft application. Training and testing will occur in the coming months to determine the suitability of the V3 laminates on high(er) altitude/high(er) airspeed aircraft.
March 20, 2015
VTOL completes first direct “Foreign Military Sales” (FMS) order to New Zealand in support of NH90 operations
VTOL personnel provided laminate film kits and tool kits to New Zealand for use on their fleet of NH90 helicopters. VTOL protective laminates are beneficial in preventing impact damage and sand abrasion on rotorcraft windows. NH90 NSNs are 9340016001095 (LH/copilot) and 9340016001097 (RH/pilot).
March 10, 2015
VTOL extends contract POP with the US Navy to conduct flight testing/fielding of ASSALT® V3 multilayered laminates
As part of the multilayered film development effort, VTOL has extended the “period of performance” (POP) of the ASSALT® V3 multilayered laminates contract through 2016 to conduct testing and fielding of the multilayered laminates on US Navy H-60 helicopters.
March 3, 2015
VTOL installs the first ASSALT® V3 multilayered laminate on a US Navy H-60
As part of the multilayered film development effort, VTOL has successfully installed the ASSALT® V3 multilayered laminates on an H-60 helicopter based at Naval Station Norfolk. The laminate installation will be evaluated over the course of many months to examine the performance improvements offered by the multilayered laminates. VTOL is thankful to all Navy personnel, civilian and military, that assisted in this endeavor.
February 9, 2015
VTOL extends US Army contract for Electronic Data Manager System (Electronic Kneeboard) laminates
VTOL extended the US Army contract for protective laminates used on the Electronic Data Manager. Aviation pilots and crewmembers interested in ordering replacement laminates can use NSN# 3590016012397.
December 16, 2014
VTOL’s Project Specific Certification Plan (PSCP) for an AML Supplemental Type Certificate is accepted by the FAA
VTOL has successfully submitted a PSCP for an AML STC with the FAA. The initial STC will cover the installation and use of ASSALT® V3 laminates on Bell Helicopter 205A, 212, 214B, and 412 rotorcraft. Completion of this process is expected by mid-year 2015.
November 4, 2014
VTOL presented at the 2014 SRE-RAM VII Training Summit in Huntsville, AL
VTOL presented at the SRE-RAM VII Training Summit on November 4th, 2015. The topic of the presentation was “VTOL ASSALT® V3 laminate performance improvements over V1 laminates.” Version 1 laminates were the original protective laminates used by the US Army in the 2004-2008 timeframe. Version 3 laminates, developed in conjunction with the US Navy, are vastly improved in every measure from clarity to weathering.
July 1, 2014
VTOL ASSALT® V3 multilayered laminate exceeds one year of exposure testing at Yuma, AZ/Fallon, NV sites
VTOL has successfully reached the milestone of one year in “real-world” testing for the ASSALT® V3 multilayered laminates. VTOL views this as a significant achievement for a removable super-clear multilayered laminate approved for aircraft use. This performance strongly correlates with and reinforces QUV testing conducted previously.
May 14, 2014
VTOL ASSALT® V3 multilayered laminate exceeds 2000 hours in QUV testing
VTOL has successfully reached the milestone of 2000 hours in QUV testing for the ASSALT® V3 multilayered laminates. VTOL views this as a significant achievement for a removable super-clear multilayered laminate approved for aircraft use. Good performance in this QUV test strongly correlates with data gained from the September 2013 outdoor testing conducted on an H-60 aircraft based test stand.
February 6, 2014
VTOL partners with Roush Performance on Pirelli World Challenge Car
VTOL has partnered with Roush Performance to provide laminates for the Pirelli World Challenge Car driven by Jack Roush Jr. The laminates provided protect the windscreen and headlights from track debris during practice and race sessions.
November 20, 2013
VTOL completes construction of facility cleanroom
VTOL has completed construction of a cleanroom facility to be used for the lamination of multilayered products. All display laminates, sensor laminates, headlight laminates, and some aircraft laminates will be produced in this facility. The room features double filtration, positive air flow, and particle filtration of approximately 95% in the 1micron – 10 micron particle size.
September 11, 2013
VTOL ASSALT® V3 multilayer film surpasses 1.6 years on H-60 outdoor weathering test stand
VTOL multilayered films have successfully surpassed 1.6 years on an H-60 aircraft based test stand. The films remained clear with no yellowing, peeled cleanly from the underlying film and window with no transfer, and exhibited no brittleness or damage upon removal. VTOL ASSALT® V3 multilayered films are capable of surviving demanding environments while still performing as designed.
May 1, 2013
VTOL partners with the South Carolina Army National Guard for multi-layer laminate ground and flight testing
VTOL has arranged to conduct ground and flight testing of the multi-layer protective laminate at Joint National Guard Base McEntire. VTOL is pleased and grateful for the opportunity to work with the US Army personnel at McEntire JNGB during this process. The 1-151st Aviation Battalion (Attack) will provide the aircraft for use during the ground and flight test portions of the evaluation.
February 25, 2013
VTOL begins process to obtain Supplemental Type Certification (STC) for ASSALT® v3
VTOL, in accordance with FAA Advisory Circular #21-40A, has begun the process of obtaining a Supplemental Type Certification for the ASSALT® v3 protective laminate. VTOL anticipates obtaining STCs for most medium/heavy rotorcraft such as the AW189, EC175, EC225, Bell 412 & 525, S-76, and S-92.
November 7-8, 2012
VTOL training course conducted at Naval Station Norfolk
VTOL personnel visited the US Navy facility at Naval Station Norfolk in Norfolk, VA to conduct a two day training course related to the installation and use of the ASSALT® V3 protective laminates on US Navy H-60 helicopters. The training was given to 5 US Navy/Marine Corps artisans and technicians as part of the VTOL “train-the-trainer” course.
The training included an intensive hands-on training portion in which the trainees learned techniques ranging from window surface preparation to more advanced techniques such as heat-forming. The hands-on portion was preceded by a classroom portion that covered the background of the laminates as well as a tools and materials introduction.
October 8, 2012
VTOL begins development of multi-layer protective laminate
VTOL began a contracted effort to develop a multi-layer protective laminate. This technology will ultimately benefit military and civilian rotorcraft by adding field serviceable outer layers to a base layer. The multi-layer system will function identically to the current ASSALT V3 single-layer product, with the exception of having multiple uses from single product installation.
By using a multiple layer laminate system, operators and aircrews will be able to quickly and easily restore transparency visibility by removing damaged the outer layer(s) of the laminate system revealing a “new” and undamaged outer surface without the need for an additional laminate installation.
September 11 – September 14, 2012
VTOL training course conducted at MCAS New River
VTOL personnel visited the US Marine Corps facility at MCAS New River, NC to conduct a four day training course related to the installation and use of the ASSALT® V3 protective laminates on US Marine Corps H-1 helicopters. The training was given to 10 US Navy/Marine Corps artisans and technicians as part of the VTOL “train-the-trainer” course.
The training included an intensive hands-on training portion in which the trainees learned techniques ranging from window surface preparation to more advanced techniques such as heat-forming. The hands-on portion was preceded by a classroom portion that covered the background of the laminates as well as a tools and materials introduction.
May 14, 2012
VTOL makes tool kit changes
VTOL has made changes to the basic equipment included in all tool kits. The changes will result in a more standardized tool kit between airframes and will improve and simplify laminate removal techniques. The equipment changes do not necessitate changing the methods and procedures used with the laminates. Operators and users who purchased previous versions of the tool kit and desire the new equipment can contact VTOL by phone or email to obtain more information and the updated equipment.
February 27 – March 1, 2012
VTOL training course conducted in Marignane, France
VTOL personnel visited the Eurocopter facility located in Marignane, France to conduct a four day training course related to the installation and use of the ASSALT® V3 protective laminates on Eurocopter helicopters. The training was given to 14 Eurocopter personnel representing 5 countries including: Oman, Greece, Germany, France, and Spain.
A classroom portion of the training covered the eight year history of the laminates dating back to the early adoption of the V1 laminates by the US Army up to the creation and use of the V3 laminates by the US Navy, US Marine Corps, and OEM customers. The classroom portion of the training was followed by an extensive hands-on session in which trainees applied several laminates to actual aircraft. Training topics included: background, tools and materials introduction, laminate installation, laminate maintenance, and removal of the laminates.
February 13, 2012
Visit to Naval Station Norfolk
VTOL personnel visited Naval Station Norfolk in support of ongoing H-60 laminate fielding and evaluation. The laminates were applied to H-60 aircraft in an effort to continue monitoring and evaluating the laminate performance in a variety of situations and environments related to windscreen wear. VTOL thanks the members of US Navy and supporting organizations who made the visit a success.
January 26, 2012
Visit to NAS PAX River
As part of ongoing laminate development efforts, VTOL visited Naval Air Station Patuxent River. While there, VTOL personnel performed demonstration installations and conducted developmental testing. The installations and testing centered on a number of environmental performance improvements designed into the ASSALT® V3 laminates. These improvements are anticipated to reduce aircraft downtime and increase the application and use scope of the laminates.
December 5 – December 10, 2011
VTOL travels to Oakey and Townsville, QLD, Australia
VTOL had the pleasure of visiting the Commonwealth of Australia to conduct several training sessions for Eurocopter and the Australian military. During the visit, VTOL personnel traveled to Australian Aerospace in Brisbane followed by visits to Oakey Army Aviation Centre and RAAF Townsville. While in Oakey and Townsville, VTOL conducted 3 training sessions in which a total of 11 Australian Aerospace and Australian military personnel were trained. We humbly thank all of those involved with the visit for helping to make it a success.
November 15, 2011
Welcome aboard H-1
VTOL is proud to add the US Marine Corps H-1 aircraft to the growing list of aircraft we are currently providing laminates for. VTOL visited the Search and Rescue unit at Marine Corps Air Station Yuma in Arizona where the ASSALT® V3 laminates were installed on 4 aircraft. Our sincere thanks go out to all of the personnel and staff at MCAS Yuma SAR for their scheduling cooperation and logistical assistance during our visit.